Your Dodge trip brought back memories:
Early in our marriage - after AF duty and before kids - the DW and myself bought a new Dodge B200 (3/4 ton) delivery van and built stuff inside to kindof convert it into somewhat of a camper. Not exactly complete with it's porta potty, pull out bed, vent cut through the metal roof, side window cut through one metal side, linoleum over plywood floor, 40 gallon aux gas tank I installed while lying on my back on the ground, humming inverter to make 120V AC, heavy duty engine cooling option, after-market cab air conditioning I installed from a kit, big over-stock-size tires I had installed, and it's walk on the knees stock ceiling height.
That good old Dodge served us for years as a daily driver and camper. We carried a Honda Scrambler on-road/off-road motorcycle on the back on some of our RV trips using a mount I made for it from some pipe and a piece of channel iron. It's smooth running 318 cubic inch V8 could log around 18 MPG on the open road while providing an outstanding 60+ gallon total gasoline capacity range. We traveled all over the West in that rig on our short two-week or less vacations before there was much traffic on highways that were in good condition and on offroads that weren't in good condition.
Ohhh ... for the good old simple days!