We're on a 10 week trip from New England to the prairie states and back. We haven't booked anything any more than a week in advance. Some places we just show up. If we want to be somewhere at a certain time (like Lees Summit MO on Sept 29 to visit the DD), we book that and filled in to end up there. Nothing ruins a trip like ours (or the one you're planning) like needing to be somewhere at a certain time.
We did the same thing on our retirement trip - 6 months around the southeast. We stayed at most places a week and moved on Wednesday. We booked 2 weeks in advance at the most. We never got any further south in Florida than Ft Myers because spontaneous got real expensive.
Now, if you're talking about the Florida Keys in Jan and Feb, then yes, you need to book out in advance because most of those sites are booked when people leave the previous year. You can catch cancellations, but the involves hours on the phone calling around. You will have better things to do.
There's a lot of hype about the 500,000 RVs sold last year and where will all those people camp. etc etc. They will camp at the most popular parks - state and national - on summer weekends in July and August. The rest of the year belongs to us.