Lauren wrote:
I did not think this would - as many threads on here do - talk about Escalante Staircase; highway 12 between Torrey and Escalante. Read Mountain Directory West. I am an experienced mountain driver and would not recommend that drive with an rv. Simple as that.
The road has many grades, some very steep. It has tight curves. And the hogback section has dropoffs on both sides, little shoulder and no guardrails.
And, of course, the "other driver" that takes their half out of the middle which is not fun at any time in any vehicle regardless if it is the hogback, a tight turn or they are gawking, on the phone or texting.
I hafta laff as people who show the pictures they want so as to prove a point and avoid the whole truth. Seems soos's pictures do just that. Soos must be a politician as they are good at that! :-)
I wasn't going to comment on highway 12 either, because I've commented on it extensively as well. But since Lauren had to chime in I couldn't resist. Lauren and I have bantered about 12 and other routes. We've driven many of the same roads with very different opinions. I've driven 12 in two fivers and the current MH probably close to a dozen times. I even rerouted our trip to drive it to see the aspen on Boulder Mountain in the fall. Driving my 1991 Miata with the top down at well over the posted limit is on my bucket list.
It is one of the most spectacular drives in the Four Corners. Navigating it in an RV is about experience, tolerance for the stated conditions, and situational awareness. Yes, you can drive off the edge or be forced off the edge. Idiots drive in both lanes. But the view before you hit the bottom would be spectacular. Just make sure the GoPro is running.