2gypsies wrote:
John&Joey wrote:
2gypsies wrote:
... No, it's not hot and humid but to us it's more than O.K. :)
Are you a mobile RV'er currently, or are you in some form of a S&B?
Yes, we're now in 'some sort of S&B'. :) However, we've wintered in southern AZ for 14 years....tried Florida and Texas two other years and it wasn't for us.
I know you've FT'ed for a long time and have many road miles under your tires. So please don't be offended by my above question.
Here is my vision of a 40 degree morning in AZ/FL/TX.
In a S&B:
- Turn up the residential furnace
- Turn on the oven
- On the kitchen island get all the stuff to make scones
- While coffee is brewing, mix ingredients
- Drop onto cookie pan and put dirty dishes into the dishwasher
- Wait for the heavenly scent
- Take out of oven and go into the sunroom
- Nice and warm if on the east side, otherwise put on slippers
- While having coffee and scones watch the weather channel
- Laugh at those up north fighting the weather
- Read the paper till about 11am
- Go out and about, and tell everyone what a great winter it's been.
In a RV:
- Wake up and see if you got running water
- Turn up the RV furnace that's about 60% efficient
- Make some toast to save on making a mess
- Turn on the coffee now that you know you got running water
- Enjoy the coffee and toast while watching the weather channel
- Say how great it is not to be shoveling snow
- Sit in the 150 sq foot RV living room waiting till 11am
- Go out at 10am under the awning and say "**** it's too cold out there still"
- Wait another hour to start the day.