I used to use a name brand (Reese???) chain supported, Weight Distribution Hitch. Noisy, greeasy, and frankly not the best weight distribution or sway reduction when it is all said and done. The Hensley (and other hitches in this class) is light years ahead. Passing trucks, sliding on ice, wind when in the desert that is blowing over big rigs, the Hensley is soooo much better (and don't let those who haven't used one tell you differently). Never considered the issue of going on rough terrain when I had the old style (still have the stupid thing somewhere in the barn), but I can see why folks here shiver at the thought. The Hensley is just different. Yes, hooking one up can, at times be more challenging....especially when the trailer is jackknifed into a spot on uneven ground (trailer pointed toward the sky while the truck is pointed downhill), but it isn't a deal breaker as the hitches positive attributes far outweigh this issue. And, like so many other things, you learn to accommodate. It also costs more, but only you can decide what this is worth (I would skimp on the trailer before I skimped on the hitch, but everyone is different). When I bought mine, I bought directly from the manufacture and my guess is that this is still the way they are sold now. Good luck.