we've been camping in Calif. state parks for over 25 years.
yes, the system is broken but there are too many people competing for a limited amount of campsites.
the growing population here has overwhelmed the park systems' number of campsites. then you add the huge amount of out of state visitors also wanting campsites and you have a broken system.
Calif. State Parks system has added very few new parks and campsites, over the past several decades, even though the population has skyrocketed.
so, you have to play the reservation game with everyone else. last year we wanted two campsites on one of the coastal campgrounds.
i started the millisecond they became available. i got skunked and quickly tried alternate campgrounds.
within 5 minutes, all the coastal state campsites between Orange County and San Diego were completely gone, for that week.
that's why we don't even try to camp here, during the summer months.:M