I'm sorry, I thought I had replied. As I mentioned, we were able to get a site at Atlantic Oaks, and would definitely stay at again. It is at the "quieter" side of the Cape, which is what we preferred. We also bought the National Park Pass while there and were able to use it twice at beaches, so that was half the cost right there, which made it worth it. The beach we "ended up" at after stops at many, was at the end of the Cape in Provincetown. The reason for this was that we decided to buy a Beach Wagon, you know, the ones with big wheels and folds...well, we didn't remember from 20+ years ago that most of the National Beaches had a few flights of stairs to go down to get on the beach! So we loaded the wagon and dragged it across the parking lot on a few different stops before we found a beach we could actually use it on. Anyway, that is off our bucket list now. We laughed about it on the ride back home, so we made memories...isn't that what it's all about?! Thanks again to everyone for your suggestions.