Jun 19, 2017Explorer
Charleston with a wheelchair?
My DH and I finally made it down to Charleston about 18 months ago, but unfortunately that was the time of the terrible flooding along the east coast. We had to head home two days after getting there. Last summer was terrible for me, 2 heart attacks so no camping was done. Luckily things are looking up and we would so much love to return to the Charleston area but due to my health will most likely need a wheelchair. I know old cities are notorious for the uneven sidewalks and small streets, etc. Has anyone done Charleston and/or Patriots Point while in a wheelchair. I can stand and walk for a bit but am on oxygen and long jaunts are just not do-able. I know there would be parts of the city that would not be accessible but hopefully we can go back and finish our trip. This has been on our bucket list for a while! Thanks for any help.