Forum Discussion

MamaGoose's avatar
Jan 22, 2015

Clarification for Canadian Snowbirds

There's been some discussion about this on another thread, re Canadian snowbirds thinking they are only allowed 120 days per year in the U.S. We received an e-mail from the Canadian Snowbird Association on this topic. I can't find a link to this article, otherwise I would post a link. I will copy and paste from our e-mail:

In a recent article which appeared on CBC News' British Columbia website, it was suggested that Canadian citizens are only allowed to spend 120 days in the United States each year. For clarification purposes, the Canadian Snowbird Association would like to remind travellers to the U.S. that this information is incorrect.

Under current policy, eligible Canadian citizens may spend up to six months less a day, in the United States, in any 12 month period. From a tax perspective, long-term visitors who typically spend four or more months in the U.S. each calendar year may be deemed resident aliens for tax purposes. In order to be treated as a non-resident alien, these individuals need to claim a "closer connection" to Canada by filing IRS Form 8840 annually.

Further, the CBC News article also discussed the Entry/Exit Initiative, a bi-national border program in which entry and exit data will be shared on individuals travelling between Canada and the United States. While this initiative was scheduled to be expanded on June 30, 2014, to include Canadian and American citizens, the necessary legislative and regulatory changes have not been implemented. At present, the Entry/Exit Initiative is not fully operational.

If you have any questions related to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the CSA office toll-free at 1-800-265-3200 or by email at

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