Tom/Barb wrote:
The bike is just an other vehicle registered in his name. You tell customs that it is being imported for resale you are begging for an import license,,, want to be hassled, try that route. you will be in line with every auto importer and most likely be there 6-8 hours.
NOT true.
Many Canadian citizens import their, autos, golf carts, motorcycles, or ATVs for their own use while in the USA. Usually these items go to their homes or camps and remain in the US. Occasionally these items are imported because the Canadian wishes to buy a new vehicle in the US and they wish to trade in their older model on the new one.
Like I stated previously, the actual import process is simple. The Customs Officer fills out the blanks on a standard import form with the customers pertinent information, prints it off, and hands it to the individual. This process takes all of five minutes, unless the printer is out of paper or the government is shut down.
No 'auto' importer required. Your information was in accurate.