SDcampowneroperator wrote:
Jim Shoe wrote:
There are lots of CGs in the Black Hills besides Custer SP both public and private, but its July 4th weekend, with the 4th on a Friday which means every working stiff will have a 3 day weekend, and where Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse both have spectacular fireworks displays. I'd say you're about a year late. You could show up and hope for a late cancellation, but the odds are against you, and then what do you do?
Sorry, there will not be fireworks at Mt. Rushmore or Crazy Horse. The forest fire danger is too high with all the dead timber from the mountain pine beetle epidemic.
Sorry to hear that - both the lack of fireworks and the pine beetle problem. I've been visiting the Black Hills since I was 6 years old, tent camping with my parents. We stopped along the road and watched them filming a Charlton Heston cowboy flick.
On a recent July trip, I went to Mt. Rushmore in the morning, grabbed a cup of coffee, sat on the patio outside and watched helicopters lowering fireworks onto the heads for the Fourth of July show. Then returned for the show that night.