wanderingaimlessly wrote:
I've read several articles and cant find any out for folks boondocking.
Again city folks think everyone lives in an urban cubicle.
One size fits all I guess.
Hopefully the rangers out there have better sense than the DC insiders.
Why link to a news article at a source that's not known for its balanced reporting, when you can link to the actual source:
Executive Order on Protecting the Federal Workforce and Requiring Mask-Wearing Here's the policy from that EO:
Accordingly, to protect the Federal workforce and individuals interacting with the Federal workforce, and to ensure the continuity of Government services and activities, on-duty or on-site Federal employees, on-site Federal contractors, and other individuals in Federal buildings and on Federal lands should all wear masks, maintain physical distance, and adhere to other public health measures, as provided in CDC guidelines.
The key phrase here is "as provided in CDC guidelines".
If you're not already familiar with the
CDC mask and social distancing guidelines, you should be, and you should already be following them, whether legally obligated or not to help protect your fellow travelers.
In short, those guidelines when outdoors is: stay socially distance as much as possible, if you have to be near people form outside your household, wear a mask if within 6 feet.
I don't see how this new mask mandate will have a significant effect on boondocking if you're truly out in the wilderness with no one around but your own household.