JaxDad wrote:
pianotuna wrote:
That stupid Canadian Government kept the percentage of cases 1/3 of that in USA. That figure is reached by dividing the population into the number of cases.
If Canada had truly closed the border the numbers may have been much lower.
And let’s not forget Don that those ‘stupid’ measures resulted in *no* flu season either.
In a typical year about a dozen children die of influenza, in the 2020 / 2021 season there was ZERO deaths and not even a single case bad enough to require an ICU stay.
Agreed, the world would be a much safer place if everyone just locked themselves in a room and tossed away the key. As a matter of fact there is nothing stopping you from doing it today, even if the lockdowns, mandates and restrictions have been lifted for the general public. To paraphrase Dr. Spock, you would live long, just not prosper.