Do increasing levels of co2 increase the Global temperatures?
If you say "yes", then the next question is "can mankind lower our output". The answer to that is clearly "yes".
I have my consumption down to less than 6 KWH per day exclusive of space, and water heating. (those come out of condo fees and I do not have numbers).
I'll be encouraging the managers of the building to add solar panels to the roof. They finally, after 20 years of me badgering them, moved to led lighting for the common areas such as hallways, where the lights are on 24/7.
On a personal level, my next vehicle will be a BEV. In my current location I can walk to two grocery stores, 15 restaurants and to a movie theatre. Why do this? Because it is in my own self interest to walk, exercise, and consume less. Every day I don't run my car benefits me directly, and indirectly the world.
schlep1967 wrote:
pianotuna wrote:
Don't be the frog in the pot of water that is being slowly warmed up.
Does it make any difference if you know the pot is warming and have no way to get out of it? One frog is enjoying the swim in the hot tub while the other is stressing out and living a miserable existence.