Horsedoc wrote:
"What does this mean, "We heard bad reports from Browning on folks who had come in from the east"? Can you elaborate? Thanks. "
Friends came thru Browning and stopped for fuel at a casino/cafe/fuel stop. Had some comments from the locals about stopping and parking. It turned into a 'this is an indian reservation and you are not indian'. Our folks felt uncomfortable (read threatened) and left. I would figure the locals would have been glad to have the business. Apparently they were not owners of the place, just hanging out. It is sorta eco-depressed looking area I guess.
Many reservations are extremely economically depressed. They are also very wary to openly hostile of outsiders. Many times tourists overestimate the impact of their spending and underestimate the impact of their commentary. I am sure that Browning businesses have way too many comments like "it sure must be hard living in such a remote and desolate place", "is the wind always this bad" to the even more offensive "are drugs and alcohol still a big problem here"
Then there is the elephant in the room that is many Native Americans are hostile to outsiders and those outsiders find the grooming, dress, customs and mannerisms of those tribal members off putting and intimidating.