Might be more inclined to just team up with a bunch of people people that have an unofficial connection to each other, for example:
About 20 years ago I was associated with a local church. Every year the men of the church went on a fishing trip. Those that had boats brought the boats. Those that had campers (of any kind) brought their campers. If you did not own the boat the boat owners would share their boat with someone and a boat would have 2-4 people fishing all day. If you owned the camper, you shared bed space with 2-4 other men. (No women on this trip).
The whole thing was started by two guys in that church. One owned the boat, the other the camper and everyone in the church knew they would be gone for a few days together. Next year, a couple other men wanted to join, another camper and another boat was added. Each year the group got bigger and bigger the men started bringing their adult sons and even adult grandsons with them.
Fast forward about 15 years and this became and "unofficial" church event, although the church never sponsored it, it because associated with them. I went 2 years in a row when we had our pop-up. I'm glad I went, but in time we quit going to that church and situations changed (for us, the people who truly organized the whole thing, AND the church itself).
We each paid, something like $100 which covered the campsite, boat launching fees, and food! One fellow had nothing but food packed into his van with drinks, lunch meats, all the fixins and trimmins. Each evening the men got together, cleaned all the fish, and then had a fish fry. We made our own sandwiches, breakfast, and any snacks from the van. Evening meal we all got together, enjoyed the food, had a nice campfire, and everyone sat around and swapped fish stories until the we hours of the morning!
The comradery was fantastic. Unfortunately, life changed.
Perhaps you can get connected with something like this, your local Church, American Legion, VFW, Elks Club, Moose Lodge, or some other organization you are connected to. If a camping group like this does not exist, maybe you could initiate one in an organization or a group you may belong to. It begins with 2 people and grows from there!