Nov-04-2021 10:38 AM
Nov-08-2021 02:30 PM
Nov-07-2021 07:38 AM
cptqueeg wrote:Yes we need more legit campers in these forests and the correct number to call and report this activity.
It's pathetic how little actual law enforcement gets done. The primary issue is the limited number of agents in the field to cover a vast landscape.
The officers depend on staff and public info so the more leads they get the more effective they can be.
Nov-07-2021 05:26 AM
Nov-06-2021 11:01 PM
NRALIFR wrote:Kevin, I meant all of US, NOT all of the National Forests. We're both on the same page.
“ Some have said, well, it's not US, so we shouldn't be held responsible. We might not be the source of the problem but we will ALL pay the price for others' disregard for the rules. The attitude that the USFS could never put a ban on dispersed camping is dead WRONG. They HAVE and WILL continue to close areas where cleanup, particularly of abandoned vehicles, hazardous materials, and homeless encampments have forced a redirection of scarce funding that could have been put to better use. ”
That depends on how pervasive the problem is, and how uncooperative the squatters are. I’ve seen a few of those trashed areas, and they aren’t anyplace I desire to go as long as they’re being trashed. If the only way to keep those areas from being trashed is by closing them, then I favor closing them. If issuing citations and fining the ones doing this doesn’t stop the behavior, what else can you do but close the area? There’s a legal term for areas that for whatever reason are magnets for bad people and bad behavior. They’re called an “attractive nuisance”, and once a particular area gets known as a place where anything goes, then it’s no surprise that everything goes on. Once that happens, the only way to stop it sometimes is to close it down.
Maybe I read more into your wording of the topic subject, but it seemed to me that there was some fear that ALL forests would be closed to the public because of a few filthy pigs squatting in a few areas. That’s what I meant when I said this will not result in the forests being closed to all.
The sad fact is, the people doing the trashing of these areas are not on this forum, or any other RV forum. I’m as against this type of behavior as you are, but unfortunately you’re preaching to the choir here.
Nov-06-2021 01:44 PM
Nov-06-2021 01:09 PM
Nov-05-2021 10:06 AM
mockturtle wrote:cptqueeg wrote:
It's pathetic how little actual law enforcement gets done. The primary issue is the limited number of agents in the field to cover a vast landscape.
The officers depend on staff and public info so the more leads they get the more effective they can be.
More likely, the budget is spent on office staff rather than field agents. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want rangers constantly harassing legal campers but when there is a two-week limit, that limit should be strictly enforced. This kind of junkyard didn't happen overnight. This is why we can't have nice things. 😞
Nov-05-2021 09:40 AM
2014 RAM 3500 Diesel 4x4 Dually long bed. B&W RVK3600 hitch • 2015 Crossroads Elevation Homestead Toy Hauler ("The Taj Mahauler") • <\br >Toys:
Nov-05-2021 08:09 AM
cptqueeg wrote:
It's pathetic how little actual law enforcement gets done. The primary issue is the limited number of agents in the field to cover a vast landscape.
The officers depend on staff and public info so the more leads they get the more effective they can be.
Nov-05-2021 07:07 AM
Nov-05-2021 06:41 AM
pitch wrote:
That is not a camp site. That is a squatter site. Entirely on the forest service plate hers. No way was this accumulated in 14 days.
Forest Service needs to monitor much more closely.
Nov-05-2021 06:22 AM
Nov-05-2021 05:39 AM
Nov-05-2021 05:20 AM