ScottG wrote:
They're terrible at measuring the length of RV spots in this state! :)
Often times the length the describe only goes to a cement curb in the back of the site and you can back way over those for a lot more room.
It's not just your state. :)
As volunteers one of our 'jobs' in Rocky Mtn. Nat'l Park was to make a new chart of the campsites at Glacier campground for assigning campsite reservations each morning. We suggested this to them as we found they were way off. In doing so we found a lot more sites for large RVs, especially motorhomes with a small car, than they knew about.
So... to get to the OP's question - if they state the site is for a 34' RV or a 27' trailer this is what they 'could' mean:
34' RV = motorhome and they assume you won't have a towed vehicle or else a small one that can be angled and parked creatively on the parking pad.
27' trailer - they're assuming you will have a big truck to pull it and will need the extra room for parking.
(In parking our 40' motorhome with a Jeep in public parks we always found we could fit on a smaller site than the stated size.)
and yes, Scott, they would be just measuring (or more likely - eye-balling) the site to the concrete barrier or large boulder or RR ties behind the site and they're not including any hangover space beyond the barriers as that's not considered the parking site.