(Second time posting in this thread)
Some places we enjoy just going there with no plan at all. Sort of fun not knowing what we'll find or how long we'll end up staying. Maybe 2 days or 2 weeks. We find the neatest stuff like that. Always fun and enjoyable.
But some areas we prefer to research first before we get there. OR coast was one of those areas we wanted to have some idea what to see and do before we arrived.
Here's couple sites that were most useful to us researching the OR coast.
I didn't think it would be a good idea to post a big list of links. So here are some of the best links IMO for doing research on the OR coast. This assumes you've already looked at their state parks and other RV type sites.
http://www.beachconnection.net/oregon_coast/62107oregon_coast_camping.php Just a quick overview type thing.
http://www.oregoncoastbirding.com/ We're not even close to being hard core birders but this site is pretty handy for non-birders also. Not only gives you info on where their natural places might be but also for planning what to see or do on the way to your must see places. The tabs at the top takes you a certain section of the state with a map of that peculiar zone of Oregon. You can usually tell by the description if its your cup of tea or not. Not only for birding if that's your thing but for planning your "day trips" simply by looking at the description. With other info and likes incorporated in from the below link we were able to plan our day trips pretty good. Museums and other points of interest make good interesting days and with places they mention makes for a great day. Having a nice picnic lunch (we brought along the cooler?) and a mid day stop at some really nice scenic place is sort of icing on the cake.
http://search.oregonlive.com/rv+oregon+coast/1/all/?date_range=allJust about anything you want if you search long enough with right search term.
This site is IMO the best site to get info, but very time consuming. Using the search box and then going thru the results is not quick. You can tell by description if you want to read it or not. But the best site I found for doing pre-arrival planning. If I recall right I searched "RV" and ended up spending several hours on that search term alone. Then I narrowed the search term down to something like "RV coast" or something like that. Getting results for what you are looking for takes some playing around.
By combining the birders web site and this site we avoided most of the tourist type places, that is other than what we wanted to see. If nothing else found some great places for pic's and watch the sunset that are not over ran by people.
Don't know if you have kids or not (we're retired and all kids are grown) but check out the Junior Ranger programs at places. Fort Clatsop (if you do have kids) in the summer they have some really good stuff going on. But you need to plan ahead, they have some re-enactments and other programs that are good, but only on certain dates and times. Hence planning ahead. And planning ahead saves hearing; OH you should of been here last week?
Around Astoria and Seaside area we bought water, further south along coast the water gets better IMO. The wind cuts thru you on the coast, bring something to throw on at all times. Maybe during the summer you won't have as much wind.
Hope info is useful. Happy planning.