There have been 16,000 people in the US die from flu this 2019-2020 flu season. 280,000 had to go to the hospital.
Flu is not some 'normal' thing that we 'have to live with'.
People just don't think it is serious and take simple, reasonable precautions.
No one knows yet if COVID-19 is less or more dangerous than the flu.
Do 16,000 more people have to die before people start taking it serious?
Due to the effectiveness of this 2019-2020 flu season vaccine, 45%, the 16,000 means likely 17-18,000 people did not die because of the vaccine.
By the reasoning that it is just like the flu, is 33,000 deaths in the US, over a half-million people in the hospital - and acceptable number.
Do we need more deaths and hospitalizations than that before sensible precautions is needed?
(Note - Sensible precautions - panic buying and such are not sensible. Closures and such are. We are full-timers. We've already been hit with having to change plans, higher costs and such. We do not have the option of going home and waiting it out.)