Forum Discussion

Chuck___'s avatar
Nov 30, 2019

RV Camp Suggtions around Burley Id. 84 hiway area?

Any suggestions for two nights stay around the junction of 84-86 in Idaho in the first week of May 2020. I guest Heyburn is the nearest City references I have. Was thinking of Castle Rocks State Park but, It is approximately 50 miles off of 84. If I can find a nice place a little closer in the area and save 100 miles trip off of 84 so be it. But if Castle Rocks State Park is the place to be and place to see we are willing to do it. Note: Headed to Heber City, Ut after that. First time on a long RV and don't know the good from the bad RV camps are. Don,t mine State and county parks either. Sometimes quite off the main road county RV sites are clean and nice, but some are like down town Portland, Oregon homeless camps. Retired now and trying to slow down at 63. I willing to give a hand up but not a hand out for the rest of ones life. If someone is physical and able mined I say; no workie no eatie, Veterans First are on my list to help out. Yes I worked in 20 minus degree weather for months on end and nothing was ever just given to me.
  • Milner Recreation area: 42.524836, -113.943579

    He's gone.
  • We have used the park in Heyburn and if you are an Elks Lodge member there is an Elks that has RV parking a couple of miles from Heyburn.
  • Declo, Id. City of Trees RV Park is right off 84 on the river. There is an rv park right in Heyburn. Heyburn Snake River RV Park I think. Nice and not a bad price. Check Lots of good info there.
  • Have you tried searching by pressing the RV Parks button at the top of this page? It works pretty well finding parks.
  • Last summer we stayed a night in American Falls at a marina/campground. Not very close, but a was the best we could find. Under new owners so don't let old reviews throw you.

    We did consider Minidoka Wildlife Refuge. No hookups but not too far off the path.

    If you haven't seen it Craters of the Moon is a must! Nothing like it!!