Apr 10, 2018Nomad
Six Month Trip -- Say Hi
Sunday 4/15/18 or Monday we start on a 6 month trip from TN. We will visit CO, UT, AZ, NV, CA, OR, WA, CD, MT, and SD before returning to TN in mid-October. If you see us at a campground stop and say hi.
I wish RV.Net had an official sticker or flag to identify people who read or post to the forum.
I will post photos keep you informed of our trip and will post reviews on http://www.rvparkreviews.com/
![](https://i.imgur.com/U49ouV5l.jpg "border=0")
Click For Full-Size Image.
I wish RV.Net had an official sticker or flag to identify people who read or post to the forum.
I will post photos keep you informed of our trip and will post reviews on http://www.rvparkreviews.com/
![](https://i.imgur.com/U49ouV5l.jpg "border=0")