South of the turn off for The Needles is Monticello and Blanding. We spent a week including Memorial Day camped at Blanding. NO crowds! Campers yes but no crowds.
Visited Natural Bridges, Needles, Medicine Hat, North Colorado River Area, Muley Point, the Moki Dugway, and Goosenecks. I would add dropping down into the Canyon just before the Visitors Center at Island In the Sky, short drive to the river bend below Dead Horse Point.
Arches is going to be a bear, we have seen lines to get in two or three hundred yards down the highway and some locals told us on one day two years ago all the back to Moab. I don't know if the road work and campground improvements have been completed or not, if not plan for another time.
The inappropriately named Bryce Canyon is best at first snowfall and before Rose's CG closes for the winter. It is inappropriate because it is not a Canyon. Ask a Ranger.
Have fun and nothing I have mentioned requires a 4X4. Been in and out of the canyon several times and never used the 4X, and never had to ride the brakes. Four people in the Sidekick.