We are currently staying at Thousand Trails Orlando Fl. for the next two weeks, with full hookups, and it is costing us nothing! At the end of this two weeks, we will move up the road (Rt 27) to an Encore park for two weeks, again, full hookups and for free. In total, we will stay at TT or Encore parks for 3 months, in Florida, with full hookups, during winter, for free. Normally the rate is around $80 or more each night. That would be about $7200 for a three month winter stay in Florida.
The membership cost us less than half that, and we pay a fee once a year of $470.
That's the good news. The bad news is you have to wade your way through all their levels and decide what fits you best. It is complex, and takes time to understand it, but in the end, if you camp a lot, it easily pays for itself.