As it is pretty difficult to get into Deception Pass State Park on Whidby Island, WA, I thought we'd try the private campground that was across the street from the entry into Deception Pass. I thought it was a KOA but a search of their website shows nothing in that locale. Does anyone know the name of the campground and any opinions of it would be welcome as well. I tried a Google search but it came up empty. Maybe I am just remembering it incorrectly?
I am NOT a mechanic although I do play one in my garage!
When I couldn't find North Whidbey, I made reservations at Fidalgo Bay for this weekend. As my wife is unable to make this trip, it will be my first solo trip in our new to us Class C. I'm looking forward to getting away from the heat at home this weekend.
I am NOT a mechanic although I do play one in my garage!
wow, nice area. I got to get up there one of these days. tks
Retired USN 1996, RMCS(SW/AW) Traveling solo in my 2015 Thor Challenger since my wife of 25 years went solo to the Lord Seems like every trip out there's a warranty repair on it afterwards F/T in two years from now. Last child to graduate first.