John & Angela wrote:
TyroneandGladys wrote:
They think RV parks should adjust their rates for those not there to "enjoy the amenities".
Then you get the post's who complain that cable was extra or the Wi-Fi or the site with sewer or the dump was not free.
I can't see why an RV park would adjust their rates for someone not to "enjoy the amenities". However an RV park owner who wants to make a little more money may want to fill a demand for non serviced drive through sites. If he has 100 per cent occupation anyway I see no reason why the campground business owner would do this. I just don't usually see 100 percent occupation. Might be a way to bring in a little more revenue for those parks. Like any good business strategy, find a need and fill it. If all the sites are serviced shut the power and water off to a half dozen sites and advertise them as no service overnight sites. Charge them 20 bucks and don't give out the codes to the bathroom or wifi. Just an idea.
Bounce around on one foot in front of the restroom building and tell the first person you see that the code is in your wife's purse and they will open the door for you. Same with the wifi code, you just don't have to bounce on one foot. Pricing strategies with significantly reduced prices for less services often backfire. You are just as likely to get someone who would have paid full price if that was all that was available opt for the lower priced site than you are to get someone to actually come in who wouldn't if all that was there was the higher priced sites. Be honest with yourself, most people just shrug their shoulders and pay rather than keep driving looking for the potentially non-existent lower cost, low service site an undetermined amount of miles down the road.
It is the same reason convenience stores charge more for their items than the supermarket down the street. If they lowered their prices to match the supermarket, they won't draw the supermarket customers, they will just get less revenue, and hence make less profit, from the items they would have sold at the higher price. A $20 RV site minimal service site is much more likely to draw interest from the guy who would have paid $40 for the full service site than it is to draw people away from the free Walmart Parking Lot.