Great boondocking everyone. I love it!
Viewing the mud photos brings back memories of an experience in Baja this past spring. There had been heavy rain the previous day. We were on a dirt road leading to a great boondocking beach when the road turned very muddy and fully covered in water. It was an oh-chit moment. No place to turn around. I did not dare to stop. Muddy water was spraying over the hood while the MH was fishtailing through the water filled dirt road. The MH was a muddy mess. A few days later the boarder patrol wouldn't let me back into the US. I spent a couple hours chipping mud off. Later back home I got an additional 4 full buckets of mud off. A portion of my backyard is now called Baja.
Here's my front window view while staying at the Gorge this summer. Windsurfing right out the door! That's Mt Hood back there.

This one isn't current, but I like it. It's close to Yuma.
