SoundGuy wrote:
SoundGuy wrote:
The benefit to your new Salem would have been much more significant from the installation of a Progressive Industries EMS that would not only continuously monitor line voltage, current draw, and line frequency, along with indicating any errors that may have occurred, but also would protect your rig from a variety of pedestal errors, surges, and spikes, plus under / over voltage conditions, none of which that voltage / current monitor can do. Not inexpensive to be sure, but neither was your new Salem nor all the electronics in it. ;)
4x4van wrote:
You're joking, right?
Not in the slightest. "Protection" is always a good thing ... never leave home without it. ;)
Oookkkkaaayyyy....:R I think you are missing the point of the OPs post. For all you know, he may already have a very good (read expensive) surge protection of another type, plugged in at the pedestal or...
Regardless, THIS post was not about the protection of the RV's electrical system/components. It's about a simple, inexpensive monitor that he added; a nice installation that many people can also do. His stated goal was to check his voltage & load. Looks to me like he accomplished exactly that, at a reasonable price, no?