old guy wrote:
they are quiet but some put out more heat than others, shop around and find the one you want before you get one and be sorry, yes, I know they are 1500 watts but mine here at home is not as hot as my SIL's at his house.
old guy
Electric heat is 100% efficient... every watt that the heating element draws produces 3.41 BTU of heat, (no matter what the heater costs or what it looks like).
However some "so called" 1500 watt electric heaters use considerably less electricity than the advertized 1500 watts, (therefore produce less heat).
Using a Kill-A-Watt meter, http://www.walmart.com/ip/P3-International-Kill-A-Watt-Electricity-Usage-Monitor/14282370, you can determine how many watts any 120V electric heater actually uses to make heat.
I have found some so called 1500 watt heaters that use as little as 750 watts, which means they are putting out only 1/2 as much heat as the are supposed to.
'96 Safari