Inside the coach I monitor DC Volts (only) - its not very sophisticated i know, but its better than nothing.
I also monitor my AC Volts & Current (2 10 dollar LCD Panel meters).
I just added a external AC Volt (only) panel meter (its only connected to one of my 50a legs) but it tells me what the pedestal (or generator) are putting out - so i don't have to go into the coach to check.
I also added a DC Volt member (outside) so i could keep my eyes on the converter/charger & the batteries.
Im not running any Solar Panels (yet) i added an Onan EC-30W auto-start for the will start the generator if the battery voltage gets too low (so the generator can re-charge the batteries), the EC-30w also will start the generator if the coach (interior gets too hot or too cold)
Inside panel Meters:
outside monitors: