Apr 10, 2022Nomad
Can inverter and solar CC share the same wiring to battery?
My batteries are on the tongue of my TT and my inverter and solar controller are in the front pass through storage. Both are wired individually to the batteries with large gauge wiring. My 10-year old janky wiring needs maintenance/replacement. Can I simplify this wire run with a single run of large gauge pos and neg wires and split it inside the pass through storage? I am thinking a 5' run of 1/0 gauge from the batteries to inside the pass through storage area and split from there. Wiring will be fuse-protected.
Thank you.
My batteries are on the tongue of my TT and my inverter and solar controller are in the front pass through storage. Both are wired individually to the batteries with large gauge wiring. My 10-year old janky wiring needs maintenance/replacement. Can I simplify this wire run with a single run of large gauge pos and neg wires and split it inside the pass through storage? I am thinking a 5' run of 1/0 gauge from the batteries to inside the pass through storage area and split from there. Wiring will be fuse-protected.
Thank you.