I'd never heard of RVIA Certification being a requirement for campground entry. Our rig is covered. I checked the QAI site, too. Thanks for the education, and not taking offense to my rant. I still think it's all about the money, not whether you or I live or die. :)
I should establish a certification for doorstops. Then, charge manufacturers 10,000 bucks a pop to join Doorstops by American Manufacturers (DAM) and lobby to have the certification required for any doorstop that's used in a facility. Then, when I see a door stop being used in public, I could say, "Where's your DAM certification?"
I came across a rider that had DOT tattooed on the back of his bald head. Although I'm not big on helmet laws (I ride with one 99.9% of the time, anyway) nor do I have tattoos, I thought it was hilarious.