Forum Discussion

sinjin79's avatar
Jun 29, 2017

Installed new LED lighting under chassis

Just completed new Boogie Lights LEDs installation under the chassis of our MH.
This was last week at Lakewood Campground on Ocean Blvd.
The FOBs allow you to change color combinations and presentations.
You can also download their app to control from your smartphone.

  • One main purpose of having FULL underside lighting like this is to keep out packrats. Apparently they hate light and having the underside lighted, and the engine compartment open (class C and tow vehicles) and lighted, will keep away the packrats.

  • sinjin79 wrote:
    Just completed new Boogie Lights LEDs installation under the chassis of our MH.
    This was last week at Lakewood Campground on Ocean Blvd.
    The FOBs allow you to change color combinations and presentations.
    You can also download their app to control from your smartphone.

    but not wild enough :)

    Im guessing this would be illegal here
  • Well I guess it's an upgrade to the rope lighting laying all around the campsite! :B
  • maxum1989 wrote:
    I did that mod some years back to my fifth wheel. I had it set up at a seasonal site for a season after that I found out what happens after a power failure. For whatever reason the default on the system was to have the lights come on, strobe crazily, and change colors in a rapid motion. The next time I showed up after that power failure I was getting some pretty serious looks from all my neighbors. After that I made sure to unplug them every time I left the rig.
    I think I read a rant thread about you on here! :P
  • I did that mod some years back to my fifth wheel. I had it set up at a seasonal site for a season after that I found out what happens after a power failure. For whatever reason the default on the system was to have the lights come on, strobe crazily, and change colors in a rapid motion. The next time I showed up after that power failure I was getting some pretty serious looks from all my neighbors. After that I made sure to unplug them every time I left the rig.
  • LOL. On the serious side, I own a sports media company and we purchased the MH primarily for corporate promo at shows. Getting to use it for personal camping use is a bonus.

    The LED light package is part of our game night presentation. We will have a drop screen and project our StreamTV to the crowds.

    But the LED's fit right in along Ocean Blvd golf cart cruising. It was a hit.

    Installing them was no major effort outside of splicing 6 separate strands of lights into one controller. But the guys at Boogie Lights were very supportive.
  • sinjin79 wrote:
    Just completed new Boogie Lights LEDs installation under the chassis of our MH.

    Pretty slick.

    If you intend to have them ON while moving, better check the regulations. BLUE is specifically forbidden, front, back or sides.
  • Groovy

    I was thinking of something similar, but then my lazy side kicked in.

    I did put a strip light behind my steps and another near the waste gates, both on switches.