ivbinconned , I can only speak from personal use of panels in RV use., since around 1992. On our present 5th wheel, which coincidentally has a -20 F guarantee, has six (6) 125 watt panel which are angle adjustable for the season and six (6) batteries. Because of short periods (about 4 hours) optimum sunlight for the panels .....the panels cannot keep up with our consumption! When we fall/winter camp with lows in the single digit to a little below zero F, we still have to supplement the panels by running the generator on an average of two (2) hours per day. Granted we are not being energy conscious, we run the forced air heater, freely use lighting ( all LED), and watch television for an average of 3 hours per day, and run a 5 cubic foot chest freezer while camping. If our 5er were smaller, and we did not enjoy the “creature comforts” we may get by on panels only....even in cold weather!
When summer camping, we have more than enough wattage! Long daylight periods, and with minimal power consumption.....the generator doesn’t see any use!
With the Class C being much smaller (26 feet), and our boondocking stays much shorter ( likely less than a week/outing), in zero or below temps (ice fishing for example) I don’t think we’re going to be “over-paneled”! I suspect, the generator will still see some occasional use! memtb