philh wrote:
That won't completely empty the WH. You can also flush out the WH when you pull the plug
I haven't measured how much water comes out of the hot line, but it is quite a bit. I might not drain every last drop, but I would guess that I drain the vast majority of the water. Certainly I've drained enough to allow for expansion if the last bit freezes. On my water heater, the fill line is quite close to the bottom of the tank and the agitation of the water as it leaves likely stirs up any possible sediment that is left in the bottom. I just don't see any benefit to spending money and rigging up a series of hoses and valves and do-dads to drain the same water from roughly the same low point. But hey, you do you.
coolmom42 wrote:
I've been told that the water heater will not drain through the low point drains. Apparently there is a check valve on the incoming cold line. There must be some reason it won't drain through the low point drain on the hot water line, although that doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
Perhaps on some campers, but not any that I have seen. Its very easy to tell. Next time you break from a camping trip, open both low point drains and break the vacuum by opening up a faucet. Your cold water will drain quickly. If you don't have a check valve, your hot water will drain for a much longer time and come out steaming hot.
coolmom42 wrote:
I opened the drain, and a hot water faucet, with the water pump turned off. WH drained quickly and down to the level of the drain.
It's not clear to me why you would need to open the pop-off to relieve pressure. There won't be pressure on the system unless the pump or city water connection is active, and it's relieved by opening a faucet.
Correct, opening the hot water at the faucet or the valve will break the vacuum. I usually open at the faucet throughout the year, but once a year when I winterize I do it at the pressure relief valve. Its faster to drain, and usually its getting chilly outside when I winterize and I don't want to stand aroundl onger waiting. I don't think that popping the valve 10-15 times in its life will damage it. If anything, it would jar loose and sediment that has built up around it.