Forum Discussion

Njmurvin's avatar
Oct 21, 2013

04.5 Dodge Ram 4x4 and 04 Alpenlite Augusta ride height?

Hi all! I have a 04.5 Dodge Ram 3500 4x4 SB with Superglide hitch. I'm looking at an 04 Alpenlite Augusta (32' nominal) as a possible upgrade. I had to flip the axles on my current trailer to resolve a "nose up" condition. I am wondering if anyone here has a 3rd gen Dodge Ram 4x4 pulling a similar sized (32-34 foot) Alpenlite? My truck is at stock height (no lift) with stock sized (265) tires. I'm really hoping I won't have to mess with the trailer suspension to get it to ride level behind my truck.
  • the rear of our 05 crew cab is 55" and it doesn't really squat more enough to notice and I have measured it a few times but can't remember what little amount it was. The rear springs are different on a GM than a dodge or ford for the distance to the overloads. chevman
  • If your Ram is like my '04 2500 was, it has spacers that are about an inch and a quarter thick between the rear axle perch and the bottom of the springs. I removed the U-bolts and placed the spacer on TOP of the springs and reassembled the whole thing.

    This lowered the rear of the truck an inch and a quarter at the axle centerline (where your hitch is), and a bit more at the tailgate.

    I did exactly the same thing on my new 2013 Ram 2500. It took about an hour per side to do this.
  • I bought a 2000 30 ft Alpenlite a few years ago had had the same situation. It was nose high. I took it to a local shop owned by a guy that knows what he is doing. He crawled under it and said the axle could not be flipped, I forget the reason. When the Alpenlite is hooked up my truck (2013 GMC 2500 HD)it squats enough to make the situation tolerable. I REALLY like the Alpenlite.
  • Larry might give OP your measurement from ground to top of your gate both loaded and unloaded.
    If his Ram is anything like mine it will set right at 58" empty and squat roughly 4" with 3200 lbs of pin on it.
  • I feel your truck will be on the high side. The 04 Augusta will have the adjustable shackles so it can be raised very easy by changing the ends of the springs to a lower hole. I can email you the 04 alpenlite brochure for weights and specs to you if you would like. A PM and your email address to me and it will be done. If this needs to be said because we don't know your experiences it would be a great time to inspect the poly bushings and change to the dexter axle kit for greaseable parts. 04 is not new and a good result on the road is important. We are still enjoying our 2001 35 ft alpenlite 6 months each winter.
  • You should be OK as is. Alpenlites were one of the stoutest trailers built. It is sad that they went away for a variety of reasons. BTW that is the floor plan I have always liked best. A slite nose high attitude is not going to be a problem.