Forum Discussion

Canrodblythe's avatar
Aug 24, 2020

2 Black water holding indiators on Keystone Cougar

Good Afternoon, we are new to owning a 5th wheel. We've noticed that the indicator panel has 2 showings for the Black water tank, 1 & 2. We only see where there is 1 handle. Any reason for the 2 indicators? Even after dumping the 1 show partial full.
  • Yup our last rig (Keystone Impact) definitely only had one black water tank but it had two indicators on the panel. The second one just showed empty all the time and it's just because they don't customize the panel by each model.
  • I have indicators for 2 black tanks and 2 grey tanks. I only have one of each. It's just a Standard panel they put in RV's, they use what is needed the other two are hooked up to nothing. Both of the Not-Used indicators show one light when the button is pressed.
    Does the manufacturer's literature indicate you have more than 1 black tank? If not, you probably only have 1.
  • Our '06 Cedar Creek had 2 handles in front of left front tire and another behind left rear tire. One behind LR tire was a bit of a PITA to get to w/ slide out. This one was gally tank.
  • Usually the second tank dump valve is on the other end of the trailer.

  • We have 1-1/2 baths and our second handle is behind the 2nd tire just like where LadyRver's was.
  • Do you have 1-1/2 baths? Possibly 2 black tanks. I had a Montana fifth-wheel with 2 galley tanks... one outlet was behind the 2nd tire, driver side. Found it 3 months after purchasing unit. Tank was full!!! Kitchen sink only.
  • Does the Keystone owners’ manual indicate there are two black water tanks? How many potties do you have?