Forum Discussion

Petethescot's avatar
Nov 15, 2019

2008 Cameo F35SB3

Hi all
Newbie here, I recently bought a 2008 f35sb3 model cameo. I have figured out most of it except the fresh water tank. I know how to fill it but cannot see how to drain it. I cannot seem to find any drain plugs.
I see a label that says fresh water drain but it has no open close valve.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Cheers Peter
  • Look under the trailer at that point. You will probably see a white pipe with a cap on it or a small valve. Remove the cap or turn the valve and the tank should drain.
  • Don't forget the low point drains. Typically a red line and a blue line. Red for hot water and blue for fresh water. VERY important for winterizing.

  • On the 2010 Cameo, the valve is the 90 Degree fitting that redirects the drain pipe to the ground. It doesn't turn, you pull up to drain.

  • No valve no cap. On display or underneath.
    Sorry have no idea how to post pic of it from my iPad. See if this works
  • laknox wrote:
    Don't forget the low point drains. Typically a red line and a blue line. Red for hot water and blue for fresh water. VERY important for winterizing.


    Thanks Lyle
  • Following is a link to a folder that has photos of the Valve and Tank on our 2010 Carriage Cameo. Yours may not be the same but it might help.
  • Hi all thanks for the input, I found out there is a valve you pull up to drain It, but it was broken off. I bought a shut off valve cut the pipe and installed a new 90 and down pipe. Alls good now
  • Hello Petethescot. We have the same RV!! I've had mine 3 years now and love it. Quality is incredible compared to many new RV's. Reach out if I can help in any way. Here is my email:
  • We're on our 3rd Carriage Cameo since 2006. The first was an '02 and we traded that for an '06. We were pretty happy with the '06 but a couple of months ago, on our way back from Texas and only 50 miles from home, a guy decided to violate the laws of physics and try to occupy my space on the highway. Then Newton's Laws of Physics took over and the end result was that our tow vehicle and RV were both totaled. We've replace both and the current RV is a 2010 Cameo 36FWS. The previous owner wasn't much on the use of wrenches and screwdrivers so we've had a lot of minor maintenance issues to resolve. But these units were built so well and, after owning two previous Cameos, I'm comfortable doing the maintenance/minor repairs. Each model has its own idiosyncracies but there are a lot of common traits between models. If you have any problems I'll be glad to see if I can help. Good luck with your purchase. I'll bet you're going to like it.
  • Ditto on Carriage and add Lifestyle to that. Lifestyle was a direct carry-over of the Carriage line with improvements particularly in the slides. I wouldn't buy a new rig for anything having had the Cameo and now the LS. I can't believe the poor quality coming out of these factories particularly in the area of frames. One example is the spring hangers are so beefy especially compared to what you see now. If I ever have the misfortune of the LS being totaled, I will defiantly look for another one.