There are many and I mean many things that are wrong and some of them are problems with things that are made by outside contractors but there should be standards to be met by them .Problems with stabilizers,jack extension,center low point drains leak,faucet leaks,Fridge quit and repaired by owner,air cond. problems,keyless entry does not work,trim around areas on walls stuck on with two sided tape falls off,overhead cabinet doors that raise up have no struts and they just flop,brads sticking out off wood work,broken dinette chair,bath fan,bedroom door will not open all the way because off built in bedroom cabinets,constant sewer smell in bedroom with bathroom fan on,bad shower head . There is more but my goodness I think I will stop here.Million dollar unit or not these issues should be taken care off .
I have a 2003 Alumascape and think I will just keep it . Seeing quality issues like this from someone like Jayco and can't get them to take care of it just scares me .