Forum Discussion

tlwjkw's avatar
Jul 12, 2013

29 5T Artic Fox?

New ta me TT. Has two water supply bibs. Figured out bottom is for supply water. Think tha top one is a black tank flush but cannot tell for sure. It goes to what looks like some type of regulator then thru tha floor outta site. Like a dummy, didn't ask about it. Any help with this would be really appreciated....................
  • If you haven't all ready--check out the Northwood Forum(Arctic Fox)Forum----
  • Thanks all. Justa a little "gun shy" with something this shiny.....T
  • If you connect your water hose to(what you think is) the black tank flush & turn it on--you should hear an high spend rotating humming sound--particularly if you are standing inside the 5'vr. Your black tank sewer hose should be hooked up--the black tank lever pulled out to let the water empty, if the tank is new and not used--otherwise go to a dump station or use some portable container. Congratulations on your new 29 5T. Lars
  • If your black tank is empty hook it up to the one you think is the flush, crack open the black and see if water comes out. If it's been used but still empty then maybe a 5 gal bucket under the sewer drain.