the hensley is a good one but not the best. i personally think the air safe would be the best and it's the same price maybe a touch cheaper but much better control. personally run the mountainmaster air ride hitch. i have no complaints, i have run that hitch for 9 years. when i hauled my fifthwheel toyhauler to the dunes i crossed 3 states line and thats the reason i bought it. there is not replacment for an air ride hitch......hitch not air ride pin box. the air ride pin are better than standard for sure but do not offer the same ride the hitch does. yes, heavy and combersome but like you said , pull the pins and let it hang. i have trailers so i never took mine out of the box. i sold my fiver and went to an unusual style toyhauler lol . i still have the hitch in storage.