Cummins12V98 wrote:
laknox wrote:
I've never even =seen= and Andersen, but for a small FW, I don't see why one wouldn't work well. Only real issues are 1) you have to lift the FW several inches higher to hitch/unhitch and that can be an issue with landing legs that might have a shorter stroke; 2) AUH users need to be aware that many states will consider it a ball hitch and require you to use safety chains. I =know= AZ will, assuming you're stopped and checked.
No option to lock to the PinBox
SO, what's the big deal about the lock ? However there is an after market locking cover for the handle. Even tho I don't use an Andersen any longer , still don't use a lock on the handle. How many times have you seen a post where some joker pulled someone's handle ? With my 5er sitting on the plate, that guy would have to be one strong dude to pull it open.