twodownzero wrote:
I have the Pullrite Superglide 16k. It's close to 200 pounds, too. It lives in the truck. If someone wants to steal it, I'll take my chances, as it is a real back breaker to get out of the rails.
Save your back !!...:R
Save your foot/toes if dropped!...:(
Besides "two men and a boy" removal, there are E-Z solution/s for the PR SG or other heavy hitches:
(take your pick)
1. Harbor Freight electric hoist. Suspend from a garage rafter -or- from a 4 x 6 between two stationary, solid objects. One button lift! Remove, drive out from under, lower it onto a furniture dolly. Roll to your storage spot.
2. "Cherry Picker" type of engine hoist. Roll hoist to the back of your truck. Lift out, roll back (or drive forward) - then to dolly as above.
Have both of the above (see "bonus", below).
3. Although those two are the best - there are still other inexpensive choices - chain hoist, shop crane, etc.
Bonus! All/any of the above are handy for other chores...:C