wantabe351 wrote:
I was on vacation traveling to Colorado from NJ on I80 in Nebraska, when in the east bound lane was a Med duty truck pulling a nice Hi-Line 5th wheel and behind that was a Jeep in tow. It all happened so fast for we were traveling in oppsite directions. Now I understand that most Hi-Line 5ers have a strong frame, but to take the stresses exerted towing a 3500lb jeep is something special in my book. I tried looking up info on this large of a double tamdem towing in search but found nothing..
The first double tow I saw with anything larger than a small 1500 lb boat was in CO in 1984. While sitting in a pull our spot going up the east side of 9400' La Veta Pass a early '80s F250 diesel with a 25'-28' 5th wheel pulling a full size Bronco huffed by with a huge line of black smoke going up the pass. The F250 diesel was a pre turbo 6.9 or 7.3. Man do they ever roll the smoke in the mountains.
I double towed with a 90 2500 chevy 5.7 and a 26' 5er and a 3400 lb bass boat for eight years. We hit many of the COE lakes in OK/AR/MO/TX/KS. A good custom fabed hitch welded to the first trailers main frame rails and cross members is required.