Forum Discussion

RVdood's avatar
Jun 03, 2013

5th wheel tires

I am looking to replace the tires on my 5th wheel. At one time you could not have LT tires on our 5er if you were going into BC, is this still the law or has it changed.
  • epmbam wrote:
    i am going to replace tires on my 5er, the 5er weights 14000lbs loaded
    been reading alot about ST and LT tires, anyone recommend a good tire that can handle that much weight

    Not enough info! What is listed on placard for GAWR? Is 14,000 scaled weight on axles, GVWR, or axles plus pin weight?

    See you did not clarify your weight statement.

  • i am going to replace tires on my 5er, the 5er weights 14000lbs loaded
    been reading alot about ST and LT tires, anyone recommend a good tire that can handle that much weight
  • As long as your not overloaded over your Gvwr of your truck you will have no issue here.
  • I frequent several haulers/truckers forums and many Canada LTL owners/operators use LT tires on their GN trailers and go through scale houses in every province and have no issues. RV should be no different.
    Canada follows fed FMVSS safety standards on tire selection so just like the states the myth like not being able to use LT tires on a trailer comes under the heading of misinformed myth from individuals and a few rooky tire dealers.

    Transport Canada has established Canada Motor Vehicle
    Safety Regulations (CMVSR) for various categories of
    motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment under the
    provisions of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, R.S.C. 1993.
    The Canadian standards generally coincide with those of
    the United States, except for speedometer callouts, cluster
    indicators, daytime running lamps (optional U.S.A.),
    reflecting surfaces, steering control system, impact
    protection, occupant crash protection, occupant restraint
    systems, interior/exterior noise and radio interference
    (CRFI) requirements.
  • Never heard of anything like this before. Sounds like an over agressive tie dealer look to make a large profit margin off selling cheap ST tires.
    Check the BC regulations HERE
    Can't find anything in them that makes any such prohibition.
    What about large 5vers that come from the factory with LT's, what would BC do?
    Perhaps someone from BC could provide further info and context, but research does not suggested that LT's are prohibited.
  • I think you put this in the wrong forum. Try the fifth wheel forum.