Apr-16-2015 07:57 PM
Apr-18-2015 06:14 PM
Dankenbring wrote:
The ac unit doesn't even have connections to add coolant or to check pressure. I had this happen on a new unit and the only fix was to replace condenser unit.
Apr-18-2015 05:32 PM
Apr-18-2015 05:01 PM
Apr-17-2015 06:33 PM
Apr-17-2015 03:42 PM
Apr-17-2015 12:02 PM
Water-Bug wrote:lol
I don't think that hoisting your petard in a public forum is permissible.
Apr-17-2015 12:00 PM
2oldman wrote:Dtank wrote:Yeah, I forgot who my audience was. What does petard stand for?
"2oldman" is tossing out a two-bit word which serves no purpose except to hoist his own petard...:S
Apr-17-2015 11:37 AM
Dtank wrote:Yeah, I forgot who my audience was. What does petard stand for?
"2oldman" is tossing out a two-bit word which serves no purpose except to hoist his own petard...:S
Apr-17-2015 11:32 AM
Apr-17-2015 10:58 AM
Old-Biscuit wrote:2oldman wrote:Sturgeon-Phish wrote:It doesn't stand for anything. It's a word.
what does nadir stand for?
Full Definition of NADIR
1: the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the zenith and vertically downward from the observer
2: the lowest point
AS used "108 is probably the nadir of voltage to run any air."
'Lowest point' vs celestial sphere
Apr-17-2015 10:32 AM
2oldman wrote:Sturgeon-Phish wrote:It doesn't stand for anything. It's a word.
what does nadir stand for?
Apr-17-2015 10:26 AM
Sturgeon-Phish wrote:It doesn't stand for anything. It's a word.
what does nadir stand for?
Apr-17-2015 07:27 AM
Apr-17-2015 03:30 AM
Old-Biscuit wrote:
With AC running......voltage at 108V is the minimum I will operate MY A/C (120V AC +/- 10%=======108 to 132)
A/C fan motor and compressor will operate at much lower voltages...just causes high amp draw and can damage motor
When you started the A/C unit did Fan AND compressor start or just Fan??
Should hear both start.
Could be bad start capacitor/run capacitor/compressor motor.
Turn Fan on manually then turn A/C unit on.......do you hear compressor start?
Air blowing out of duct should start out warm and then begin cooling down within minutes