amxpress wrote:
We looked at the Palomino Columbus 377MB as we liked the separate room for the kids, as well as having a full size living area. The bunk area at the top of the stairs is good for smaller kids, though it would be an ideal storage area, too. The 30”x60” walk in shower is awesome. It’s 42’ long. Will be hard to find a short fiver with your requirements.
That Columbus 377 is the one that got me interested in the midbunk floorplans. I would prefer the 378 only because they switch the recliners and entertainment center from one side to the other so you get an outdoor kitchen (and the outdoor kitchen is another thing...not sure I want to give that up). I found the Montana to be nice too, but my gut tells me that Montana is more likely to give me trouble than Columbus based on what I've read from owners on a couple of facebook groups I belong to (one for Columbus owners and one for Montana owners).