Shipwreck2 wrote:
Thanks for all the responses. I was looking at the air bags to help with two issues. First with no trailer or weight the truck is very stiff so you feel every bump. I was told by another f250 owner that he keeps 20psi in and it helps cushion the ride. The second issue is with the trailer I sometimes get some vertical bounce from the trailer which makes the truck feel like it is being pulled back a little
Guess for now I will not do anything with the truck.
Adding bags to an unloaded truck IMHO won't improve or hurt the ride running 5psi. Running 20psi in an unloaded truck will make the ride worse.
If your truck sits level when loaded it does NOT NEED bags but I can tell you bags DO improve loaded ride. I ran 5 unloaded and when the load was applied the pressure would go to 30psi and my 11 RAM Dually rode good. The 30 did not raise the rear just helped control the springs. I also added Bilstein's.