Whenever the wife helps, it's with our cell phones and bluetooth thru the truck... her duties are to say STOP (preferably before I hit something)other than that, it's a lonely job I practiced and am pretty good at it - hardest part is to be patient and give the other campers a show !!! :)
when we come in from camping, usually we go to the house and unload,
and while the wife is putting all that up, I can go to storage...
In our tight graveled storage building ('maybe' 1' on each side)
I spent maybe $20 on 2x12x8' boards for a landing spot!
figured out where they needed to be, painted the front and outside edges with bright orange and nailed my large chocks onto the board where I needed to stop...
This does a couple of things for us:
the wife does not have to come with me when I put it in storage,
levels the trailer a bit since my 'cubicle' has a slope front to back,
gives me something to 'aim' my tires at for proper alignment,
the chocks let me know when to stop,
and since it is always in the same place,
has basically 'built' a darker groove where I run the heavy rv over the rocks each time!
so again - another guide to aim at !
it gets easier after a while or
after two or three scratches down the whole side of the 5er, you won't care!!!!!