Forum Discussion

RedRider16's avatar
Jul 16, 2024

Bad Coverter Charger?

I have a 1989 Terry Resort by Fleetwood with a Magnetek Convertor Charger TU-740-2 and I think it might have failed. Lights were on and then suddenly they shut off, I checked the fuse block and I'm not receiving power to it (I used a non-contact voltage tester for the time being) I'm receiving power at the plug in and up to the box but no power coming out. If it is a failed unit, Is there a direct replacement for one?


  • Call Randy at and he can tell you if there is a direct replacement for it or if you will need to modify.


    • RedRider16's avatar

      Sorry I havent gotten around to replying. I just got off the phone and he recommended the Boondocker 1245CL but also said that the PD9245C would work as well so I think I'll get the Boondocker ordered and see how it goes 

  • When you say "suddenly", was it 1 second they are on and bright... the next they are off?

    If yes, have you checked the battery? If the charger went out, you should have hours before they gradually dim as the battery discharges. Your battery might be toast. This can be hard on the charger as it tries to dump the max output continuously into a battery that can't accept it. The charger may have been masking the problem until it failed and then suddenly, no 12v power.

    I would start checking the battery with a multimeter and maybe trying an automotive battery charger to see if that charges the battery and gets the lights back on. 

    • RedRider16's avatar

      I'm Sorry I should have mentioned that no battery is hooked up and that I'm hooked up to shore power. The lights dimmed out and shut off in about a second 

      • StirCrazy's avatar

        try put a battery in it and see what happenes, doesnt have to be a new one.  

  • at that age it would be good to replace it weather it blew or not.  going from a single stage converter to a 3 stage will be good for your battery life. you can buy a converter like the PD 9245C and just wire it in, but your still going to have the ac breaker and glass type automotive fuses that are getting verry hard to find.  I went with a whole power center in my 1991 camper.  I used a PD 4000 series and it took a little bit of enlarging the hole (about 1" top and side" but the ability to use mini fuses and have real breakers for the ac instead of just a reset, and the filtered dc made it worth it.